ICU - Intensive Care Unit

The name of Intensive Care Unit brings to everyone’s mind an image of a place with an unconscious patient and several tubes going inside him connected with millions of wires which lead to big machines and systems on which his life is dependent. But the atmosphere of ICU at Adam Vital is maintained in such a way that it spreads positivity and gives hope to the relatives of patients.It is a place where millions of lives are saved.

The ICU at Adam Vital Hospital is an extremely framed and sophisticated and ultra-modern area that is specifically designed, staffed & crewed with well experienced medical, nursing and allied team , located, furnished and advanced equipped for the dedicated management of a critical patient or patient dealing with injuries or complications.

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The ICU being regularly updated with the latest technology allows us to perform all critical care procedures such as hemodynamic monitoring, mechanical ventilation, bedside tracheostomies, bronchoscopies and others. In addition to providing intensive care life support, we offer the utmost care and compassion towards the patients and their families.

The ICU includes a multidisciplinary team :

  • Intensivists
  • Pulmonologists
  • Anaesthesiologist
  • Specialized nurses

ICU For Orthopaedic Surgery

The leading reason for patient admission to the ICU ( Intensive care unit ) with orthopaedic problems is commonly multiple trauma. Other reasons for admission comprise patients with notable comorbidities who undergo elective or emergency orthopaedic procedures.

Patients who are present to the ICU for Orthopaedic surgery are classified according to the type of surgery they have had or are planned to be undergoing. The common orthopaedic procedures include :

  • Joint replacements
  • Spinal surgeries
  • Extremity surgeries

We at Adam Vital provide the best assistance to the patients in ICU. We provide right procedure as well as help patient in coping with the mental trauma he suffered. We specialize in giving quality care and assistance to all the patients ailing from any disease. We have a higher ratio of doctors and staff at ICU and monitor the patients round the clock for a speedy recovery.

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MOH License Number : AH80681 – 09/06/2025