Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Patient Rights

  • The patient has the right to receive treatment and care without discrimination because of his/her religion, sex, color, age, or socio-economic status, considering the privacy of some groups of patients whose health condition requires priority in undertaking it in accordance with the legislation in force, similar to emergency cases and people with determination, the elderly, children and pregnant women.
  • The Hospital and health professionals shall respect the patient’s dignity.
  • The Hospital shall provide the patient a copy of the patients’ rights and responsibilities charter.
  • The patient has the right to obtain treatment and care in the language of his/her choice, by providing a translator when necessary.
  • The Hospital shall respect the patient’s privacy, protect the information and data contained in his/her health file, his/her social status, the confidentiality of his/her correspondence and communications.
  • Doctors and all health professionals are obligated to use all available means and capabilities to provide the best possible services appropriate to the patient's health.
  • The patient has the right to know the identity of the physician or the treating doctors or the health team that deals with him/her and to know the scope of work of each of them.
  • The Hospital will guarantee the continuity of providing treatment to the patient, and the health professionals are committed to following up on the initiated treatment, as long as the patient's health condition requires.
  • When undertaking emergency cases, the Hospital is obligated to give priority to provide treatment in accordance with the patient’s health status, according to evidence-based practices, provided issues of administrative and financial nature are settled later.
  • The Hospital will guarantee accepting the patient visiting to receive its services, and if it is not able to do so, it will secure his/her acceptance in another Hospital that meets the scope.
  • The patient has the right, if he/she is conscious and able to express his/her opinion clearly, to refuse to receive the provided care.
  • The patient has the right, and on his/her personal responsibility, to leave the Hospital and not to initiate or continue the treatment specified for him/her.
  • The patient has the right to obtain the necessary treatment described for him/her, including therapeutic measures, surgical interventions, medication, and the method of its use, etc.
  • The patient has right to know the reason for undergoing various examinations, treatments, and every measure taken; all treatment shall be recorded in his/her health file.
  • The patient has the right to know the nature of his/her illness, the degree of its severity, the expectations of his infection with other diseases or infection of others with them; the doctor shall not adhere to the medical secret unless the patient’s interest requires otherwise, or if his/her psychological state does not allow him/her to be informed, and in that case, the person legally representing him/her must be informed.
  • The patient has the right to obtain a medical report on his/her health condition and the results of the examinations. The patient also has the right to obtain a copy of his/her medical file.
  • The Hospital shall obtain the patient's written consent to perform the surgery and be aware of the potential medical effects and complications, as well as know the full expenses of health services before starting any procedures.
  • The patient has the right to obtain invoices detailing the financial amounts for all services provided to him/her by the Hospital.
  • The patient has the right to receive educational guidance based on his/her age, level of understanding, awareness, and care.
  • If the patient cannot make informed decision, the legal representative must be informed, health knowledge and education must be provided to patients and their families to make decisions regarding treatment plans and to participate in the health care provided to them.
  • The doctor will provide the patient with information related to his/her illness, prognosis, the treatment course in simple and understandable language, considering the dialogue complexity and understanding when dealing with some patient’s segments (children, the elderly, etc.).
  • The patient education and relevant information is shared during the outpatient visits or during a special session, the stay in the Hospital and when leaving the Hospital, to urge him/her to continue treatment, to take preventive measures, and to avoid complications that could adversely affect his/her health condition.
  • The patient has the right to be informed of the following :
    1. Various examinations suggested treatments and necessary preventive services.
    2. Advantages and estimated cost of the proposed course of treatment in advance
    3. The urgency of implementing the proposed health services.
    4. The expected results of the proposed health service.
    5. Possible alternatives to the proposed health service.
    6. Expected results in the event of refusal to receive treatment.
    7. Reasons for his/her transfer from one Hospital to another
  • The doctor may be exempted from providing information to the patient in emergency cases, or in the form of the patient’s refusal to receive this information, or when his/her interest so requires.
  • The patient's consent to receive treatment must be obtained in advance, subject to the exceptions; the right to consent belongs to the patient or his/her legal representative if the patient is incapacitated.
  • The Hospital and its personnel shall respect the patient’s desire and not violate his/her freedom to continue receiving health service or not unless his/her condition poses a threat to him/her or to others or to public health.
  • The Hospital shall deal with the patient’s complaints seriously, investigate them, and provide a written response to the complaint.
  • The Hospital shall provide the equipment and take the necessary measures to preserve the patient’s possessions while he/she is inside the Hospital.

Patient Responsibilities

In reference to the rights above, the patient must respect the following responsibilities :

  • Respecting the doctor's independence in assessing and deciding the appropriate treatment for his/her health condition.
  • Acceptance of prevention, treatment and methods prescribed for that.
  • Adhering to the recommendations of the treating team, carrying out the examinations and tests required of him/her on time, and taking the prescribed medications.
  • Ensure that the Hospital's infection control and general hygiene rules are respected.
  • Comply with the requirements of the bylaws of the Hospital in which he/she is receiving treatment.
  • Respecting the measures taken by Hospital administration and adhering to them regarding patient conduct, no smoking, visitation timings, etc.
  • Respecting health professionals and observing good morals when dealing with them.
  • Maintaining Hospital property including building, equipment, and others.
  • Respecting admission, stay and discharge processes implemented at the Hospital.
  • Presentation of the required administrative and personal documents required for patient registration, admission, etc. at the Hospital.
  • In the event of treatment refusal or refusal to stay in the Hospital and insistence on leaving it without medical approval, the patient or his/her legal representative must sign a document proving his/her refusal to receive treatment or his/her refusal to stay in the Hospital to absolve the Hospital and release it from any consequences that may arise.
  • In the event that the patient or his/her legal representative refuses to sign the above document, an incident report should be documented by the doctor and the administrative official in the Hospital.
  • Paying the Hospital's dues or showing up beforehand with a guarantee of payment received from the health insurance company.
  • The patient is obligated to abide by his/her duties towards the Hospital and its employees, and the Hospital may seek the assistance of a competent authority or authorities in the event that the patient does not abide by his/her duties and violates the rules and controls specified under the state legislation.
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MOH License Number : AH80681 – 09/06/2025