Prof. Dr Alaaeldin Talaat, Neck & Back Care Specialist in Dubai

Prof. Dr Alaaeldin Talaat


Languages Spoken

Arabic and English

Prof. Dr Alaaeldin Talaat is a highly specialised, western-trained orthopaedic spinal surgeon with extensive work experience in his field of practice and research activities.

During 1999 to 2002, he received extensive, specialised training at various academic institutions for spine surgery in France, as part of the GICD fellowship programme. The institutions attended include the Institute of Calot at Burk-Sur-Mar, Clinique Alleray Labrout in Paris, Nantes University, Nancy University and Bordeaux University.

As early as 2000 to 2002, he performed many complex spinal cases by video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS), the first in the Middle East, which was a breakthrough in the region at the time.

Prof. Dr Alaaeldin Talaat follows the most updated spinal techniques, modalities and instrumentation for effective treatment of spinal conditions, strictly following evidence-based medicine. He is one of the pioneers who have applied mini-invasive spinal techniques when conducting video-assisted thoracoscopic and laparoscopic spine procedures, percutaneous spinal fixations, percutaneous laser disc decompression (PLDD) and percutaneous vertebral kyphoplasty.



  • Managing complex spinal deformities, fractures, tumorous and pseudo-tumorous conditions.
  • Video-assisted thoracoscopic and laparoscopic spine procedures.
  • Percutaneous spinal fixations.
  • Percutaneous laser disc decompression.
  • Arthroplasty for hips and knees.


  • MD in Spine Orthopaedic and Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery.
  • Master’s degree in Spine Surgery and Orthopaedic Surgery.
  • AO-Spine (Association for the study of Internal Fixation) Faculty member.
  • GICD Europe Spine Association.
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MOH License Number : AH80681 – 09/06/2025